Thor: The Dark World is a 2013 American superhero film including the Marvel Comics character Thor, delivered by Marvel Studios and dispersed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. It is the spin-off of 2011's Thor and the eighth film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The film was coordinated by Alan Taylor, with a screenplay by Christopher Yost and Christopher Markus and Stephen McNealy.[3] It stars Chris Hems worth, Natalie Portman, Tom Huddleston, Anthony Hopkins, Stella SkarsgÄrd, Idris Elba, Christopher Eccleston, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, Kat Dennings, Ray Stevenson, Zachary Levi, Tadanobu Asano, Jaimie Alexander, and Rene Russo. In Thor: The Dark World, Thor collaborates with Loki to spare the Nine Realms from the Dark Elves drove by the vindictive Male kith, who plans to dive the universe into murkiness.